Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Baby-Sitters Club - Super Special #12 - Chapters 5-8

Ok, after a breif hiatus, I'm back with more snark.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 opens with a journal entry from Suzi, in Stacey's handwriting. I'll spare you the details, but basically Suzi is complaining about having to move. Suzi says that she knows how to write, but it takes too long and she really likes the hearts Stacey uses when she writes the letter "I".

Suzi doesn't want to move. She'll miss the old house, and she's afraid that Santa wouldn't find her at the new house. She also says that she'll miss her bed. She'll be sharing a bunk bed with Mr. DeWitt's daughter Madeline. Hey, Suz! Don't be sad. Bunk beds are cool! Anyway, she's complaining that Madeline is only four, but Suzi is a whole five and FIVE TWELFTHS! (because of course she has to be that exact). If I were to be that exact, that makes me... twenty-four and four twelfths. Oh well, Suzi would be older, but since this is BSC-land, she'll be five and five twelfths until the end of time!

She explains that her "old daddy" (as opposed to the new one) lives in Milwaukee. She tells us that it's "a million miles away, maybe even a thousand" (not a googolplex, which Buddy told her is the biggest number in the Universe.) I am not making this stuff up.

The chapter continues with Suzi complaining. Then Stacey helped her write a letter to Santa, to tell him where the new house is. Suzi signs it herself, and tries to dot the I with a heart, just like Stacey. Suzi's heart looks more like a sideways 'B'. Suzi and her Mom mail the letter, and that solves that problem. Or does it?

Chapter 6

We begin with a journal entry from Mary Anne. She's getting ready to leave for her trip. Sharon gives her brownies for her flight. Mary Anne tells us that the last time Sharon made brownies, she forgot to put in the eggs. Oh, Sharon. Did you misplace the eggs in the toaster oven again?

The Schafer-Spiers go pick up Kristy and Claudia so they can all head to the airport. A lot of random things happen for filler, then they get on the plane. Kristy tries to explain the time difference to Claudia, but she doesn't understand. Didn't they all go to California 7 Super Specials ago? Wouldn't she have figured it out then? Anyway, Kristy explains that it will be 9:30 PM when then arrive. I don't know about ya'll, but whenever I go to the west coast, I always take an early morning flight, so I still have a full day when I get to my destination. Maybe that's just me, though.

They have Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner. Kristy calls it a "tennis ball covered with paste". I wholeheartedly concur. I only like Chicken Cordon Bleu if it's homemade.

They talk about seeing Dawn, and Kristy wonders if she's changed. Claudia comments that Kristy is just worried that Dawn picked up habits from the We (heart) Kids Club. Touche, Kishi! "Hmmph" replies Kristy. Not as good as "Harrumph", but it'll do.

Chapter 7

A Jeff Chapter. We open with a journal entry. The boy gets props, because I can read his handwriting! He writes, "Sorry I have not written in the journal yet. I have been very busy. Yesterday Mary Anne came with Kristy and Claudia. They are staying here. Tomorrow Dad and Carol get married. I can't wait. That's it. Bye Now"

Ok. First, he doesn't use contractions either! It must be from that small about of time he spent in the Stoneybrook school system. Second, I've always thought that "Bye Now" sounds kind of unnatural. In one of the call centers that I worked in, I had a co-worker who would always say "Bye Now", and other co-workers would always comment on it. There's nothing wrong with it, per se, I just think it sounds forced.

Sorry, got sidetracked. After the journal entry, Jeff tells us that, in fact, he CAN wait until Dad and Carol get married, and he hates having a house full of girls. He also says "Gag Me" at the thought of being asked if he has a girlfriend. Jeff, honey, is there something you want to tell us? If so, that's totally Ok. (Shout out to California, where it is now legal for Gays to be married!)

More complaining. I remember liking Jeff in this book last time I read it. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that last time, I wasn't reading it for snarking purposes. Oh, and Jeff is upset because he thinks the marriage means that they won't need Mrs. Bruen anymore.

Jack and Carol fight about Carol's furniture. She has a wall unit that she's had since just after college. Jack doesn't think they need two. Carol says that losing hers would be like losing a part of herself. Jack points out that he loses a part of himself when he clips his toenails. First of all, bwah! Second of all, gross. Still, Jack Schafer FTW! The chapter ends with them still discussing the furniture.

Chapter 8

Kristy. You know, I'm skimming this chapter, and I don't feel like a whole lot is going on. I'll keep looking though. I'll find some good snarking opportunities for you!

Well, the girls go visit the We (heart) Kids Club. This should be interesting.

ooh! Outfit time. This one is worn by Maggie. Aside from her hair being in dreadlocks, two of them dyed red and green, she was wearing, "this crazy neon-patterned jumpsuit, under a tailored cotton jacket with padded shoulders."

The We (heart) Kids club decides to have a spontaneous meeting. They eat healthy snacks. Sunny sends Dawn for the snacks, so Sunny can tell the other girls about the surprise party that she's planning.

I can't tell who people are in the picture on pages 86 and 87. Kristy, Claudia and Mary Anne are easy to tell. I can pick out Maggie, because of the hair, even though it's more of a mullet than dreadlocks. As for Dawn, Sunny and Jill? I couldn't tell you.

Dawn, Mary Anne and Claudia decide to head back to Dawn's to work on wedding stuff. Kristy decides to stay and hang out with the California girls. By the end of the meeting, she had helped them to organize party planning stuff.

Yeah, this chapter was pretty boring.

Up next: Claudia picks out flowers.

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