Tuesday, June 10, 2008

C is for Cookie; That's good enough for me

So, as we all know, David Cook is our new American Idol. I'm happy with these results. I would have been happy either way, though. An Archey Angel to the core, I was rooting for little David all season. I have to say, though, I have a bit of Cookie/Word Nerd in me as well. I loved both of these contestants, and it didn't come as a shock when Ryan Seacrest announced on Top 3 Results night that those two would be going head to head for the finale.

A lot of people were calling it a "shocker" that Cook took the crown. Even though I was rooting for Archuleta, I didn't see it as a shock. Both contestants did extremely well over the course of the season, and according to a lot of prediction websites, they both had nights where they were way ahead of the competetion. The night before the finale, I checked dialidol.com. It showed our Davids in a pretty close race. Zabasearch.com showed the same. Both of these sites only show a small sampling of the votes, but are still a decent indicator. I kept voting...and voting... and voting. By the time I went to bed that night...er...morning, although it was still close, Cook was creeping ahead. We all know the end of that story. David Cook won by 12 million votes. Some of the blogs that I read called this a landslide. I don't really think a margin of 12 million, which at 97 Million votes is just over 12%, is a landslide, but still. Good for Cookie.

The Davids have both signed record contracts, and are on their way to bright futures.

On a side note, David Cook sang the National Anthem at Game 3 of the NBA Finals this evening. I'll post a video later. Go Celtics!

Edit: I tried to post a video, but blogger was being weird. Let's see if this works.

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