Thursday, July 31, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance - Finale Next week!

Contains Spoilers... If you haven't watched this week's results show and want to be surprised, don't read any further!

Tonight, 2 more dancers were eliminated. Cat called the 3 girls to the stage:

  • Chelsie Hightower
  • Courtney Galiano
  • Katee Shean

    At the beginning of the season, I predicted that Kourtni and Courtney or Chelsea and Chelsie would be in the finale. When Kourtni Lind and Chelsea Traille were eliminated, that was out of the question. I thought there might be a possibility of Courtney and Chelsie going to the finale, but when I really started paying attention to Katee and realized how amazing she was, I knew I wanted her in the finale. It would be a tough call. (I voted for Courtney last night, in case you're wondering.) After showing clips from last night's show, the first girl was sent to safety...


    After the break, we learned that the girl joining her in the finale would be...


    I loved all 3 of them and would have been happy with any outcome. I felt the same way about the 3 guys.

  • Twitch
  • Joshua
  • Mark

    I changed the channel at this point to watch a little bit of one of my other Thursday night shows, so I missed the order in which Cat announced who was safe, but I do know that the guys going to the finale are:

  • Joshua and
  • Twitch

    I really any of the 4 of them winning. I love all of them. Also, the little kid that danced on tonight's episode was adorable!

    I think Adam Shankman might be one of my favorite judges. Also, he announced tonight that part of the prize for the winner will be a role in the movie that he's currently producing.
  • Sunday, July 13, 2008

    The Baby-Sitters Club - Super Special #12 - Here Come the Bridesmaids! - Chapters 17-20

    Chapter 17

    Mallory writes in the journal and thinks about her fight with Ben. The kids started drawing in the hymnals. Marnie stayed by her mother's side. The Barret and DeWitt kids were suddenly excited to be siblings.

    Mallory went home and called Ben. Mr. Hobart answered and told Mal that Ben " 'roit heah'" Stupid phonetically spelled accents. Ben and Mal talk. They apologize and decide to go carolling the next day. Mal's siblings even decided to come along!

    There's a picture on pages 172 and 173. Mal looks somewhat normal, Vanessa looks just like Vanessa from the videos, and Ben looks like Anthony Rapp.

    All of the kids were making up their own words to the Christmas carols. Jamie Newton came up with "Oh Christmas Tree
    Oh Christmas Tree
    Don't Fall on My Head"

    At the end of the chapter Mal and Ben sing for each other. Things like that did NOT happen when I was eleven. Hell, I'm 24 now and they STILL don't happen.

    Chapter 18

    A Jeff chapter. He writes in the journal and complains about everything. He was tired of the adults asking him the same questions over and over again. He wanted to wear a sign that said "Jeff. Jack's son. Ten Years old. Fifth grade. Of Course I've grown-- I'm a kid." I agree, Jeff.

    He talks to Mrs. Bruen, and finds out that Jack's marriage does not mean she'll lose her job. Apparently, Carol makes Jack look like a neat freak.

    They open their wedding presents. They get a lot of bowls. Claudia suggests that they go bowling. Haha. They get a singing clown lamp. Wow.

    Jack finds out that the van with all of her furniture was stolen. She admits that she didn't like the furniture anyway, so she doesn't mind that it's gone. Jeff imagined the lava lamp in the robber's house. He hoped the robber enjoyed it.

    Chapter 19

    Kristy writes in the journal. It was the day of Dawn's good-bye party. Kristy and Claudia pack, then they all headed to Sunny's for the party. A lot of the neighborhood kids were there-- including Ryan DeWitt! I think this is the only book that acknowleges the fact that there are 2 Ryan DeWitts. Good research, ghostwriter!

    The chapter is basically about Dawn talking with the kids, so I won't recap all of it. Dawn got a nice letter from Stephie, one of the girls she sits for in California.

    Chapter 20

    Logan writes in the journal. He helped the Barretts and DeWitts move. Apparently, Franklin had piano. The kids enjoyed banging on the keys. In Logan's words, "Mozart, it wasn't". Taylor and Buddy put books on their bookshelves. Suzi worries some more about Santa finding her at the new house. This chapter is not very exciting. Logan helped her think of a way to solve this "problem". Well, I guess it would be a problem for a small child. Anyway, she thought of a plan, but we'll just have to wait until the next Suzi chapter to see what it is!

    Friday, July 11, 2008

    The Baby-Sitters Club - Super Special #12 - Here Come the Bridesmaids! - Chapters 13-16

    Okay, I know it's been a while since my last installment of this recap. I'm back now, so here we go!

    Chapter 13

    Dawn writes in the journal. She talks about what her dad and Carol were wearing. Neither one of those outfits were very Claudia-worthy, so I'm going to skip talking about them. Carol, Jack, Jeff and Dawn are on their way to the wedding.

    They arrive at the wedding, Jeff complains about his tie, the guests all sing "Tis the Gift to Be Simple", Mary Anne cried. This is boring. The picture on page 149 is interesting. Dawn and Jeff both look a bit ridiculous, but Carol and Jack look nice. Awww. Okay, this was a sweet chapter.

    Chapter 14

    A Shannon Chapter! I've been waiting 14 chapters for this. I love Shannon! She writes in the journal from the Barret-DeWitt wedding She never wants to baby-sit at a wedding again. The Barret and DeWitt kids are fighting, blah blah blah. One of the ushers came over to the pew to show the kids a magic trick. A lady who wanted the usher to take her to her seat came from behind him and said "harrumph!", then Mallory came back from taking Madeline to the bathroom. Madeline was impressed with the wooden toilets.

    The kids were being loud, other guests were getting angry, Ryan DeWitt didn't like the loud music, so Shannon took him out of the chapel. She had been given specific instructions that if any of the children were disruptive, to take them to the church nursery. Shannon ran to the back of the church, and came face to face with the wedding party. Boy, if I were walking down the aisle, and one of the guests showed up in front of me with a screaming toddler, that would really throw me off. Anyway, she misses the wedding, because she took Ryan to the nursery. When she descibes sitting in the nursery watching Ryan sleep. It makes me think of the nursery at the church I went to when I was a kid. They had a nursery (It was called the "Baby Fold") down the hall from the sanctuary.

    Chapter 15

    Stacey tells us her story of the Barrett-DeWitt wedding. She said that before that experience, she thought that weddings were easy. She thought the bride did all the work! She learns that she was wrong!

    Anyway, the other bridesmaids were all older than her, but she said that they were very nice. When I was in my cousin's first wedding, which was about 12 years ago, the other bridesmaids were the groom's sisters and my cousin's childhood best friend. Most of them were older than me, except for one of the sisters. They were a nice group of girls.

    Stacey tells us that Mrs. Barret looks great in clothes that she wears around the house, but in her wedding gown? Dazzling!

    She tells us that the usher that she was walking down the aisle with gave her a smile. She tells us not to worry; he's around her Dad's age. This is when Shannon showed up in the middle of the aisle with Ryan. Whoops.

    Mrs. Barrett makes it to the end of the aisle, and Marnie yells "Mommy!" The congregation laughs. The minister comments about how nice it was to have the children there to witness the marriage. If this were my church, he would have used a puupet. The minister at my church has a puppet that he uses for the children's sermon. It's name is Reverend Dr. Cool.

    Anyway, Marnie stayed by her mother's side throughout the ceremony.

    Chapter 16

    Another illegible Claudia journal entry. Can't she type? One of the CA Diaries was typed, if I remember correctly. Plus, if Claudia typed, she could use spell check!

    Guess what? The wedding had a Buffay table! Isn't that how Phoebe from Friends spelled her last name?

    Anyway, Claudia tells us that the BUFFET looked wonderful. She went around taking candid shots with a camera that she borrowed from Mr. Schafer. There are a bunch of toasts, Carol sings a song,

    Then Mrs. Bruen asks Claudia and Kristy to help her with something. They're going to surprise the Schafers with a Christmas tree!

    ...and that's enough for now. I'll be back with more sometime soon. It won't be as long as last time, I promise.

    My Boys - Thoughts ---CONTAINS SPOILERS!

    Ever since it first aired in late 2006, I've been a big fan of the TBS sitcom My Boys. For those unfamiliar with the show, here's a breif recap: PJ Franklin is a 20-something sports writer for the Chicago Sun-Times. She covers the cubs. A tomboy at heart, she spends most of her time with her guy pals, playing poker or hanging out at Crowley's, their favorite watering hole.

    Season 2 has begun, we now know that PJ chose Bobby as her date for the Italy trip. We also know that he didn't know that PJ meant it as a romantic gesture, and he is now engaged to Andy's Swedish nanny.

    I have read some spoilers that state that PJ and Bobby will not end up together this season. Well, since he's getting married... all together now: OBVIOUSLY! But! This spoiler leads me to believe that there's still hope for future seasons. If spoiler sites are making a point to mention it, even with the knowledge that Bobby is marrying someone else, this leads me to speculate that the wedding won't happen. Of course, this is just a thought, maybe even just wishful thinking, but I'd really like to see PJ and Bobby end up together.

    I know what you're saying. "But what about Brendan?!" Well, Brendan and PJ would make a great couple. I don't doubt that, but in most cases, the main character of books, tv shows and movies does not end up with her best friend. Looking back on season 1, even though PJ and Bobby had a rocky start, I love the chemistry that progressed with them throughout the season. Again, just a thought.