Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Baby-Sitters Club - Super Special #12 - Here Come the Bridesmaids! - Chapters 17-20

Chapter 17

Mallory writes in the journal and thinks about her fight with Ben. The kids started drawing in the hymnals. Marnie stayed by her mother's side. The Barret and DeWitt kids were suddenly excited to be siblings.

Mallory went home and called Ben. Mr. Hobart answered and told Mal that Ben " 'roit heah'" Stupid phonetically spelled accents. Ben and Mal talk. They apologize and decide to go carolling the next day. Mal's siblings even decided to come along!

There's a picture on pages 172 and 173. Mal looks somewhat normal, Vanessa looks just like Vanessa from the videos, and Ben looks like Anthony Rapp.

All of the kids were making up their own words to the Christmas carols. Jamie Newton came up with "Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree
Don't Fall on My Head"

At the end of the chapter Mal and Ben sing for each other. Things like that did NOT happen when I was eleven. Hell, I'm 24 now and they STILL don't happen.

Chapter 18

A Jeff chapter. He writes in the journal and complains about everything. He was tired of the adults asking him the same questions over and over again. He wanted to wear a sign that said "Jeff. Jack's son. Ten Years old. Fifth grade. Of Course I've grown-- I'm a kid." I agree, Jeff.

He talks to Mrs. Bruen, and finds out that Jack's marriage does not mean she'll lose her job. Apparently, Carol makes Jack look like a neat freak.

They open their wedding presents. They get a lot of bowls. Claudia suggests that they go bowling. Haha. They get a singing clown lamp. Wow.

Jack finds out that the van with all of her furniture was stolen. She admits that she didn't like the furniture anyway, so she doesn't mind that it's gone. Jeff imagined the lava lamp in the robber's house. He hoped the robber enjoyed it.

Chapter 19

Kristy writes in the journal. It was the day of Dawn's good-bye party. Kristy and Claudia pack, then they all headed to Sunny's for the party. A lot of the neighborhood kids were there-- including Ryan DeWitt! I think this is the only book that acknowleges the fact that there are 2 Ryan DeWitts. Good research, ghostwriter!

The chapter is basically about Dawn talking with the kids, so I won't recap all of it. Dawn got a nice letter from Stephie, one of the girls she sits for in California.

Chapter 20

Logan writes in the journal. He helped the Barretts and DeWitts move. Apparently, Franklin had piano. The kids enjoyed banging on the keys. In Logan's words, "Mozart, it wasn't". Taylor and Buddy put books on their bookshelves. Suzi worries some more about Santa finding her at the new house. This chapter is not very exciting. Logan helped her think of a way to solve this "problem". Well, I guess it would be a problem for a small child. Anyway, she thought of a plan, but we'll just have to wait until the next Suzi chapter to see what it is!

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